Explanation From Garry Cook

10 Oct 2023 | 5 comments


Following the events at St. Andrew’s yesterday and, specifically, the departure of John Eustace, the club’s CEO Garry Cook has just released the following statement to explain the rationale behind the decision.

The statement is here

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  1. Peter Bates

    Gary cooke has not addressed the reason Wayne Rooney would even be considered for the managers job at st Andrews ,he talks about the best people for the club Wayne Rooney is not the best manager available out there so if they wanted to employ the best available manager why was the job not put out for other people to apply for it,it does not make sense, being very good friends with Rooney’s agent might have something to do with it,it is so wrong in many ways kro

    • Tracey Tyler

      As soon as the takeover happened Eustace was a dead man walking no matter what he did so to save all this backlash from the fans they should have put a new Manager in place before the Season started instead of using Eustace until Rooney was available.It is absolutely sickening what has happened and it’s made a laughing stock of us.So what happens now,is Rooney suddenly going to make the current players to play the expansive,no fear football that the owners want ??? aka Zola.??? As l have said on a number of occasions the majority of players we have bought in are good Championship players with limitations end of so best of luck with that one Mr Rooney.I am a Season ticket holder and will still go and it is going to be a interesting few weeks,just wonder what the reaction in the stands will be if we lose a few games ???

  2. walker

    For me the only guy I would have sacked eustace for would be graham potter. although I know this is an unlikely move

  3. Mark

    I really hope the club doesn’t feel it necessary to come out and explain every decision to supporters. We have a club run by men who know what they’re doing, so I feel supporters need to be patient to allow those in charge to call the shots. After all, they bought the club!

    Wayne Rooney was regarded at doing a decent job under very difficult circumstances at Derby. Whilst reports are that DC United missed the playoffs (again) they were never likely to make them. At both club’s Rooney has been regarded as being a positive influence with players.

    Any manager is a risk but Rooney has a winning mentality, which is something our players will (hopefully) buy in to and learn from; and his name will attract better players to our club.

    Our owners own the club and, whilst we might not always agree with every decision, they can’t be expected to explain every decision because supporters expect this. I want them to call the shots, not us supporters – let’s face it, there’s not one of us that isn’t sometimes fickle!

  4. Stan Moye

    John Eustace would always have been looking over his shoulder. I think it’s testament to his professionalism that he got the team to where we are. Maybe he was sometimes too loyal, maybe at times naive, but l don’t doubt for a minute his intentions were good. I think from what l’ve read and heard of other people opinions, JE simply didn’t fit the pr profile the club were looking for. There is no doubt that Mr Wagner and
    Mr Cook are on a mission, not only to improve BCFC but to increase the value of the business. Mr Rooney will need to get his act together pronto, don’t foresee him having a honeymoon period, whilst he maybe the box office ticket the pr gurus want, l remain to be convinced that from a football perspective he was / is the best man available. Hope for Blues sake he proves me wrong.

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